
It's hard to imagine a world without science: every area of our lives has been affected by it in some way. Here at PhySicence, we believe the effects have been for the better.

Unfortunately, not everyone agrees. Despite a strong scientific enterprise being paramount to a fruitful economy, education (including science education) is often first on politicians' list of programs to cut.

But that's not all. Many politicians have denied evolution and climate change, while advocating for the teaching of creationism in public schools. Even the public has been swayed: 40% of Americans deny evolution.

Combating ignorance

We need to stop this anti-science movement. The future of our nation may depend on it. But making such a drastic cultural change is no easy task. And that's where we need your help.

PhySicence is a non-profit organization dedicated to science advocacy. We believe that forging alliances with corporations is a threat to our neutrality, and so we rely on the contributions of our members. Our volunteers have spent over 10,000 hours educating, advocating, and protesting for science and science education.

Creating a sustainable culture

Intervention is expensive, and our ultimate goal is to make science a core value of this country. Science shouldn't need an organization to defend it; something that important needs to be a part of our culture.

To that end, we go further than standard science education. Understanding evolution is one thing, but thinking like a scientist is quite another. As you read our articles, we hope that you'll come to understand why scientific thinking has so much to contribute to our culture.